A concerned Malaysian writes about Malaysian affairs. "You are the Change you Seek" Barack Obama

Saturday, July 5, 2008

MALAYSIA's SORRY STATE of Affairs......

No this is not another story from malaysiakini where you can read some serious stuff about the political problems in Malaysia.

Today I would highlight a story from the Star:
"No milk for 700,000 students"

To me that seems like a lot of poor students who have been deprived of possibly their major source of daily protein as some of them come from really poor families.
No wonder many poorer students get poor grade in schools.

Instead of just suspending the program for goodness knows how long, I suggest that the students be given UHT milk that can be bought from various supermarkets. These do not require refrigeration that seems to a contributing factor to the milk contamination.

No doubt the government can save RM25m a year but the benefits for the poor are much greater than that.

Now if Malaysia cannot manage a long-standing milk distribution program for poor students, how capable are we to operate a nuclear power plant?

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