A concerned Malaysian writes about Malaysian affairs. "You are the Change you Seek" Barack Obama

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Speech to be Delivered by the Prime Minister?

This is a speech that would be welcomed by all Malaysians if it was also delivered by the Prime Minister.

Just look at the main points:

“1.A social order that led to cohesion within and among communities and called for horizontal equity whereby all Malaysians in equal circumstances were treated in exactly the same way;

2.Malaysians of all races and religions engaging one another with absolute civility and respect;

3.Malaysians feeling a deep-seated sense of ownership over the problems of the country and being motivated to take decisive action and make whatever sacrifices necessary for the good of the country;

4.Only Malaysians who were capable, hard working, bold and scrupulously honest being allowed to serve in positions of responsibility; and,

5.The public having a high degree of trust in the pillars of state, the executive, judiciary and legislature, as well as the civil service and police.

In short, a decent Malaysian social order would be one that is based on inclusiveness and accommodation as opposed to marginalisation and discrimination.”

It is a unifying speech with none of the usual discriminatory claims for race and religion and in it Raja Nazrin urges all Malaysians to accept our differences as a source of strength for the nation and not a divisive and disruptive element that we observe in many countries.

He urges the public to reject leaders who are seen as corrupt and immoral so that the nation will restore the trust in the main pillars of state; i.e. the executive, the judiciary and legislature and the police and civil service.

There is also a call to treat all Malaysians equitably and what this means is that the poor of all races should be provided the assistance to get out of the poverty trap but they should also be hardworking and not simply depend on government handouts.

Now do you think some of the leaders who do not meet the criteria will stand down for the net GE or do ordinary citizens have to boot them out?

Photo: Thanks to http://berita.perak.gov.my/dis04/muka2.5.jpg


Pak Zawi said...

Dear H.J.Angus,

I would like to congratulate you on your daughters recent wedding. I tried to post the congratulatory message at the proper posting but at that particular time I wasnt at my own computer and somehow I didnt get it through.

Indeed YM Raja Nazrin is a new breath of fresh air. He must have heard the cries of anguish from the rakyat via the blogsites and this must be his response to it. As a start that is a good sign. Our only hope is for the rulers themselves to voice similar thoughts especially the Agong. It is high time these rulers make their presence felt otherwise those with political power will run them down when they dont need them. How great can it be if our own rulers are revered like the King of Thailand.

H J Angus said...
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H J Angus said...

Hi Zawi
Thanks for the good wishes.
It was supposed to be a lawn wedding but got washed out and had to be shifted indoors.

Anyway rain on a wedding day is considered a good omen in many places.

Trashed said...

Your title shows how deficient our PM (or perhaps his speechwriter) is when trying to convey the message to all Malaysians.

It is very sad that a speech by one of our royalty is lauded by the rakyat whereas those by our elected representatives seem to be magnets for controversy.