A concerned Malaysian writes about Malaysian affairs. "You are the Change you Seek" Barack Obama

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

We Too Are Passengers in a Bus Called Malaysia

This was an accident just waiting to happen.

As usual we have a plethora of suggestions ranging from having seat belts for passengers to improving the health of the drivers so that such accidents do not happen.

It is sad when so many deaths could have been prevented if bus drivers are properly registered with bus companies and not allowed to freelance.

But we should consider this accident as a bigger picture -

Malaysia is a bus that is 50 years old and we have had the same company operating the bus.
There has been a change of drivers but one driver stayed for many years and changed the whole system of driving the bus so many procedures have been radically changed. The passengers too are demanding a more comfortable ride and better control of the bus with a more transparent system.

Many passengers have been scared of the bus driver's ability and the company and shifted to better buses.

Meanwhile that bus is being overtaken by newer buses on the highway called Globalisation.
Will the stakeholders get a new company to operate the bus called Malaysia?

Photo: Thanks to the Star