malaysiakini has this article Racism still haunts nation at 51st Merdeka
In many nations like Australia there are laws against racism and a racist remark will lead to law suits and that is one way to reduce racist incidents.
In Malaysia we have a culture of supporting race-based political parties that have ruled the nation for 51 years and it seems that instead of improving race relations, these parties are actually contributing to the deterioration in race relations.
What compounds the matter is that the law enforcers, the police appear to have forgotten their role and duty of upholding laws and just adopt their own sense of justice. Once the police become biased, they really lose their effectiveness and no one will trust them.
For example, some people were allowed to demonstrate against the USA when Rice visited Malaysia but HINDRAF demos were met with considerable force.
The malaysiakini article mentions that "the big businesses and vested interests that have backed the Barisan’s stay in power who will push for the status quo to remain".
Big business does not like political instability as decisions cannot be made for further investment etc. Of course vested interests do not want change as they will lose much and some of them will have to go to jail.
But for most Malaysians who know that reducing corruption will mean that some of the 25% to 30% leakages can be curbed, they are waiting for the BN sun to set so that Malaysia can be born again. Do take the orange poll on the left if you have not done so.
Photo: Sunset in Inside Passage, Alaska. From ms VEENDAM
Anonymous said…
In 2004 GE11, the Malaysian Voters have had given the PeeM AAB 90% of the seats in Parliament with a Mandate of almost full support but what had he done to Malaysia, with his arrogance & ungratefulness, he tried to oppress & betray the Rakyats and mismanage the Government and suppressed the MSM News and spun lies and deceits. What could PeeM AAB ever do anything to Ahmad Ismail??? As he himself professes & shares like-minded with Ahmad Ismail the same common seditious thoughts.
Light-up the Candles now and but justice for all ISA detainees come the new dawn of Malaysia soon.
Where is the justice & freedom of expression because all our MSM News are suppressed or spun, where have the Truth and Merdeka gone to, perhaps the goons under BN Government, ok??? Malaysia is going backwards after 51 years instead of going forward under the Racist UMNO, calling the “Chinese Squatters” to leave and “Babi Cabinet” if Anwar wins Permantang Pauh and if he forms the Pakatan Rakyats’ Federal Government. What independence is there when there is none but a Police State in the making and where is the Justice for Altantuya and those in the ISA detention without trial or rights of appeal to seek natural justice???
The UMNO Government is afraid that more cans of worms will be spilled by RPK and therefore they banned his blogsite which is a futile attempt to block information in this IT age, of course this is because of this Present Moronic Government is corrupt and dirty therefore on the pretext of helping the Rakyats, they could extract, swindle and plunder more money from the Budget Deficit and with most of the Deficit Money coming from Petronas. Look for example at the Crystal Mosque’s and Mariner Club’s Fiasco in Terengganu’s Billions in Wang Ehsan, Billions had been lost as white elephants. The cancellation of the Johore Scenic Bridge, Penang Second Bridge and LRT Projects at the whims and fancies of the Flip Flop, Incompetent and Sleeping PeeM at the last minutes is wasting Multi Millions Ringgits in Public Funds had shown proof of the PeeM’s mismanagement of the Government and wastage of the Public Financial Resources and all these wasted funds could not be salvaged to aid and assist the Malaysian Poor Citizens of all races. If Malaysia still keep him in power it will further damage and erode the Wealth of our Nation and our National Wealth could be decimated in no time.
The same could happen to all the empty promises of aid and help to the Rakyats these could all be lip service only unless it is monitored by reputable NGOs. On the irreversible Food Prices inflation, the unnecessary Moronic previous price hike on Petrol & Diesel had caused great permanent damage to the Food Price Structure and even if the price cut to Petrol and Diesel revert to their original prices prior to their hike, it will not revert the Food prices back to their original state and only the PeeM is to be solely blamed for his unwarranted Fuel Price Hike. His 2009 budget did not help the Rakyats’ quelled their immediate hardship suffered nor did that help them solve their Transport Problems immediately with multiple schemes but none available immediately with all the empty rhetorics but nothing concrete that could solve their immediate problems after years of neglect from this incompetent sleeping PeeM. As it is he is still sleeping and still unaware of what the 27 Million Rakyats wanted, needed and aspired to have coming soon??? Come Sept 16, 2008 send him home to sleep forever he is no longer needed.
The Courage to Build a New Malaysia.
(Keberanian Membina sebuah Malaysia Baru.)
(Versi Bahasa Melayu dibawah)
The year is 2008. This is the year most Malaysians finally woke up from a deep slumber. Most Malaysians were just too busy earning their living and building up their lives to take notice that times have changed and the idealism spouted by our founding Fathers have still not been accomplished for this country even today.
It was not so long ago in 1957 and then for our fellow East Malaysians in 1963 when the ideals and dreams preached by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj (Bapa Kemerdekaan and Bapa Malaysia) for Malaysia were first announced and was greeted with joy in the hearts and minds of all Malaysians. The late Tunku Abdul Rahman had a dream and ideals, just like Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and many others including the prophets over the history of mankind.
Many a times such dreams were hijacked and led astray under the guise of nationalistic, racist and religious idealism by so called politicians and self declared and appointed righteous and religious persons (Little Napoleons). Individuals who have risen to continue some of such idealisms are gagged, isolated, bankcrupted, blasphemied, rehabilitated or worst jailed, for it is deemed not in consonance with the dreams and idealism of the elected parties agendas.
Laws are legislated and passed at whim in Parliament to change the idealism of the Supreme Law of the Land (The Malaysian Constitution) and to cloak such party and individual agendas. It is true, Malaysia, conforms to the democratic process as practiced by most western countries in elections (even though tainted but unproven). But once given the trust to be elected as a leader or representative of the people, party and individual idealism overtook national idealism, and The Jeykll and Hyde personality emerged to be repeated over and over again at each and every election and by-election.
Malaysians have being led astray for so long, that what is right is blurred, what is wrong is tolerated, what is evil is condoned, what is fair is pouted as unfair, what is immoral becomes moral and corruption and close one eye need to become a part of our accepted daily lives. Jealousy, hatred, greed, racism, plundering and satanism starts to breed in Malaysian minds, and brothers, friends and fellow Malaysians were looked upon as enemies or as inferior human beings. Once a while, such nets were cast ashore to include anything to do with other countries or other races which do not belong to one's own race or religious beliefs.
The minds and souls of Malaysians are so polluted and poisoned for so many years that it seems that Malaysia is the only all correct country and we should rule the world by our way. Examples of countries which follows Malaysia or is it we following them are, such as North Korea, Zimbabwe and Israel. What justifications can you tell your own generations or future Malaysian generations that what you are doing to fellow mankind and more so to your own fellow Malaysians that it is righteous and correct, when, it is at the expense and sufferings of your own human kind and fellow Malaysians?
Can you say to them I did it to follow the orders and teachings of God or party political agendas? Who gave you such inspirations and idealism? Do not absolve your own wicked mind and greed nor take a ride on someone else wicked mind and greed. Do not pick and choose in the Books of God nor the man-made laws to justify or suit your own twisted and idealistic minds. You can fool others due to their ignorance or emotions at some time but you can't fool forever a man's conscience nor your own children or hopefully one day your own when such enlightenment comes to you.
The courage to change things which are not right in Malaysia nor achieve the ideals of the Founding Fathers is not impossible. Most Malaysians have woken up to the fact that the future is going to be determined by it's own citizens thru their own conscience guided by their own religious beliefs to live a harmonious and productive life of correctness and not the type of political, racial or religious correctness as preached.
Parties and their own agendas do not take priority over the Founding Fathers ideals and hopes of all Malaysians. Religion and principles are as a guide to your own conscience to make sure whoever is the leader do not lead Malaysians nor society astray.
For in the end, what is just and right should surely overule anything else for any leader or their party agendas.
Does your Representative of the People (Wakil Rakyat) or You! have the courage?
Before Malaysia became a Federation, they argued that this land was Tanah Melayu. Therefore, twisted logics argue that this land is forever Tanah Melayu. I once asked them a question. I sold my car and someone else bought it. Can I claim ownership since I was the original owner? I sold my house and someone else bought it. Can I still claim ownership since I was the original owner? I sold my piece of land and someone else bought it. Can I still claim ownership since I was the original owner?
Willing buyer willing seller. A fair deal when both agree. So, what's all those mumbo-jumbo about the granting of citizenship rights in order for Malaysia to achieve Merdeka? It was agreed then that citizenship rights would be granted. If so, having received our rights to citizenship, why are they backtracking on the agreement and asking us to 'balik Cina'? For someone like me who's born in Malaysia, I know no other land. This is my homeland. This is my country. Negaraku.
Racism institutionalised, Made-in-Malaysia ...
My brother worked there( selling viagra online ) for 2 years., and he told that is impressive the quantity of racist people you find there.
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