A concerned Malaysian writes about Malaysian affairs. "You are the Change you Seek" Barack Obama

Monday, July 30, 2007

Losing Credibility

A government loses credibility when the following happens:

1.A minister makes a grandstand on TV to cancel a major works project and then wants to reconsider after an appeal from the state authority.

2.A minister suddenly withdraws from a high profile international vacancy citing the reason as being too involved with the 50th Merdeka celebrations.

3.Another minister trivialises blogs that are critical of the government as "goblok".

4.The government stubbornly refuses to implement the findings of it own Royal Commission on the Police but has granted most of the perks and benefits requested.

Perhaps it is not bloggers who are "goblok" but the majority of voters who are taken in each election to keep the same people in power.

Even after 40 years of NEP the ruling elite still proclaim the same mantra to the voters, "One for you, one thousand for me" and most of the voters are taken in.

As the famous protest song ends,
"When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?"


H J Angus said...


Trashed said...

The advent of the Internet has created a permanent record of deeds and misdeeds.

The bulk of the electorate, unfortunately, do have have the capability to access these electronic tomes online. Otherwise, these officials will be having to recant continuously.

Thus, the current round of blogger attacks are design to suppress information.