A concerned Malaysian writes about Malaysian affairs. "You are the Change you Seek" Barack Obama

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So WHO Picked Abdullah?

malaysiakini has this article that is appropriately headlined:
"Dr M to Umno: Pick Abdullah, pick defeat"

Someone should remind him that he was the person who picked Abdullah when he decided to step down. Now Abdullah is carrying on with this most undemocratic practice instead of allowing better quality to move up the leadership ladder and renew the party.

No party in Malaysia will be able to form the government if it does not have the support of a cross-section of the population.

Too bad TDM did not reform UMNO to become more inclusive of others before he retired. He is sadly mistaken to think that people did not really want to vote for Anwar.
UMNO needs a major makeover if it wants to remain relevant and that means new leaders that are acceptable to more Malaysians.

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