A concerned Malaysian writes about Malaysian affairs. "You are the Change you Seek" Barack Obama

Friday, December 21, 2007

Religious Persecution in Malaysia?

The article in malaysiakini on the restrictions being imposed on the Catholic newsletter does not augur well for religious freedom in Malaysia.

It appears that the authorities are trying to impose Islamic laws on all groups in Malaysia ever since Malaysia was unlawfully declared an "Islamic nation" by the former PM in order to garner more influence at the OIC meeting that was being held in KL.

He even had the Constitution amended so that judges in the secular courts routinely surrender the rights of civilians to the Islamic courts and we have already witnessed a few body snatching cases where the religion of the deceased is in doubt.

The most glaring case of religious intolerance was the church of Divine Mercy in Shah Alam where a Catholic Church was forced to shift a building even though the foundations was laid after the site had been approved. It seems the church was too close to the state mosque.

In Bali, the Indonesian authorities plan so that major religious buildings are located close to one another.

Now the latest restrictions being imposed on the Herald can be considered a form of religious persecution and the Catholic Church should take the matter up to higher authorities rather than submit to blatant oppressive practices.

1 comment:

yellowkingdom said...

I fully support the call of taking this matter to higher authorities for a resolution. This action to ban the Catholic Herald smacks of religious persecution in its most blatant form. With our present generation of children's better grasp of Bahasa Malaysia it is only right to reach out to them in that language. Why the ban on a Bahasa Malaysia section in the publication marked "For Private Circulation Only"? Haven't we conformd to every one of their regulation? Why the need for this ridiculous condition if not religious persecution?