A concerned Malaysian writes about Malaysian affairs. "You are the Change you Seek" Barack Obama

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Teachers Need More Support from Parents and the System

It must really be a tough job to look after children in a boarding school.

I teach a class of about 25 teenagers once a week and it is a constant struggle not to reprimand them during the session.

In today's society, most parents spend very little time with their children who tend to be "brought up" by maids, video games or Astro.

Busy parents tend to compensate for their limited time with children by giving them instant gratification like junk food and useless toys. You can observe these children who are usually obese eating some snack or drinking a fizzy drink at supermarkets.
And some parents really have too many children to nurture properly and these end up as problem children especially if they get sent to a boarding school.
Misguided parents do not realise that their undisciplined children could become the drop-outs of society.

It is good that not only the teacher is being investigated for this serious misguided punishment but the PTA and parents too are being advised on the situation.

Perhaps the Ministry of Education and the Family Ministry should conduct a compulsory briefing for parents before the children are sent to a boarding school. Parents need not attend for every child - perhaps once in 5 years if they have more than one child?

Teachers in remote locations should be provided some counselling help if they are struggling to cope. These postings should not last more than 2 years or burn-out will occur.

Photo: Thanks to New Straits Times

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